Introduction - ALLIES project
The ALLIES project focuses closely on issues of non-violence,
security and equity in school, attending to the perspectives of
parents and the student welfare team. ALLIES discusses caring
specifically as a pedagogical possibility and aims to introduce
an approach including:
- A holistic, multimodal, community-based
programme concentrating on the early recognition of
- Intervention activities that respond to
the violence hidden behind the normalised activities of
everyday life; for instance, to violence masqueraded in
humour, in social play, in messing around, in exclusion, and
in normalised, often sexualised name-calling.
- Gender-sensitive interventions: a
need exists for interventions that conceptualise gender
violence not only as violence against girls and women, but
also as violence concerning boys, specifically addressing
how some boys are diminished, excluded, or visibly violated
due to their non-hegemonic or counter-hegemonic
constructions of their masculinities.
- Attending to the needs of disabled and
transcultural children.
- Finally, increasing awareness of these
issues among adults in and around school who are involved in
the lives of schoolchildren.
During the project, an international team of
experts have contributed to the construction of non-violent
preventive measures to be piloted in preschool classes in Oulu,
Parma, and Reykjavik. Pedagogical approaches such as Hjalli have
been applied as part of the pedagogy.
Educational materials for teachers have been
developed and integrated into the
“From Violence to Caring Study Programme”, an
international, multisectoral, web-based specialisation programme
for violence prevention (25 ECTS) designed during the previous
DAPHNE projects.
Project Background