All three questionnaires can be used to chart children’s
wellbeing and emotions: Cuddle, Smiley and Healthcare Checklist
are created to increase teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the
wellbeing, social interaction and different forms of violence
that children may face in daycare or school. In order to prevent
all kinds of violence, it is important to intervene in any
mischief before it turns into systematic bullying, and the
screening tools will be helpful in this respect.
Cuddle, Smiley and Healthcare Checklist are
linked to each other by the aim of finding out if any
mistreatment has taken place. Cuddle is meant for parents and
children to chart mistreatment and to discuss social situations
in a peer group with the child. Smiley is a practical tool for
teachers and children to chart emotions and safety at preschool,
home and on the way to school. Healthcare Checklist is directed
especially at school nurses and counsellors, but teachers can
also use it to discover possible violence at school and at home.
These are all practical tools for early intervention. If
intervention is needed, it is crucial to do multi-professional
work and cooperation with homes.
Healthcare Checklist