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  Semiotics + Education Network
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(International network for edusemiotics)

Welcome to the forum page of international Semiotics and Education Network!

This is a forum and homepage of the international Semiotics and Education Network which was founded in the seminar "SEMIOSIS AS A FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPT FOR EDUCATION" held in University of Ghent, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Belgium, 16-17 October 2008.

The founding father of this network is professor Andrew Stables, who invited that seminar.




13th World Congress of Semiotics

in Kaunas, Lithuania, 26-30 June 2017 [info]

Semiotics and education Network plans to organize with biosemioticians a panel on learning and adaptation




Edusemiotics is a new branch of theoretical semiotics alongside biosemiotics, ecosemiotics etc.

The novel term is coined by Marcel Danesi in an introduction to Semiotics Education Experience (2010, ed by Inna Semetsky).

Edusemiotics was formally launched as a direction in the theory and philosophy of education and semiotics at the next IASS congress in September 2014, Sofia Bulgaria.

[more info]


The IASS World Congress New Semiotics: Between Tradition and Innovation was a great success. More info about network's activity there will soon become to the index.



The documents of the previous seminars of the network are available in the index.

Questions and suggestions about this forum should be submitted to Eetu Pikkarainen.

This list is not alive.

For more info mail to if-admin@iforum.oulu.fi