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<Semiotics + Education Network
  FERA 12 Helsinki
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(Significance of Semiotics for Education and the Theory of Education)

Significance of Semiotics for Education and the Theory of Education

The Semiotics of Education network came together as a subtheme of philosophy of education interest group "Language, Culture and Society in the Philosophy of Education" in Finnish Educational Research Association conference 22th - 23th Nov 2012 in Helsinki. The overall theme of the conference was "Interaction in Educational Research".

"The Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA) conference is an unmissable opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in education and learning. The conference aims at creating a forum on themes related to interaction in educational research in Finland and elsewhere. In 2012 the FERA Conference on Education is targeted more than ever at international audiences. The conference includes interest groups and presentations in Finnish, Swedish and English."

Language, Culture and Society in the Philosophy of Education:

"The thematic group invites presentations in the field of philosophy of education concerning the relationship of education to language, culture and society. The group is motivated by the current transformations in the notions of citizenship and society, which are given new definitions, objectives and ideals within the framework of the contemporary globalized world. The group also welcomes presentations of a broader philosophical perspective concerning education, the theory of education and their interconnectedness with language and meanings, cultural identities as well as societal practices and institutions. The thematic group will be divided into smaller subthemes regarding (among other themes) a) the philosophy of moral and citizenship education in contemporary plural societies and b) the significance of semiotics for education and the theory of education. The presentations may be given in Finnish or English, for except in the subtheme of b) semiotics preferably in English. [PDF]"

In this folder you can find some documents from the meeting - like the fuzzy snapshots below...

For more info mail to if-admin@iforum.oulu.fi