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<Semiotics + Education Network
  Bath seminar May 7-8 2012
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(Semiotics as Philosophy for Education)

The Department of Education at the University of Bath is hosting the second in a series of international invitation seminars on
Semiotics as Philosophy for Education

on 7th and 8th May.

The seminar is funded by the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. 

Speakers include Winfried Noeth (Kassel University) and Mats Bergman (Helsinki University) among academics from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland and the UK with shared interests in how the work of figures including Peirce, Deleuze and Greimas can contribute to a reconceptualisation of educational theory, policy and practice.

The seminar will be held in 1WN 3.17. For further details, please contact Andrew Stables (a.w.g.stables_(at)_bath.ac.uk)

You can read the program timetable here and abstracts here and download both as a word document here.

[Announcement in the page University of Bath]

For more info mail to if-admin@iforum.oulu.fi